Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I am Laura.  I thrive on literature, art, music and among many other things, strong black coffee and (most likely, cheap) whiskey.  I live with my two main muses, my husband and my hound.  Joe is a walking piece of art, and that's not only because he has been a canvas for others.  Hunter S. Thompson is a wolf hybrid trying to be a domestic dog, which has resulted in him being the most intelligent and well-mannered I have been around.  We drink and recreationally indulge, and every moment is beautiful.  I will reminisce on our old house, Fort Ruckus, often, as we have recently left it.  And I will most likely drift into stories from the past years, as I had no outlet for their tales.

This is my husband, Joe, and that handsome hound of ours.  I am lacking in pictures of myself.. so that will come later.

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